Costco Pizza Nutrition Facts Revealed: Is It Really That Unhealthy?

Costco Pizza Nutrition Facts Revealed Is It Really That Unhealthy

Last updated on September 7th, 2024 at 07:58 pm

Costco is famous for its huge pizza slices and affordable prices. But what do we know about the Costco Pizza Nutrition Facts? Is it as unhealthy as some might think?

This article will explore the nutritional value of Costco pizza, including calories, fat, protein, and carbs. We’ll also compare it with other fast-food pizzas and discuss whether it’s something you can include in a balanced diet.

What Makes Costco Pizza So Popular?

Costco pizza is a favorite for many reasons. It’s big, tasty, and cheap. A single slice is often enough to fill you up. The cheese is gooey, the crust is thick, and the toppings are generous.

But with all that deliciousness, people often wonder if it’s healthy. Does the taste come at the cost of your health?

Costco Pizza Nutrition Breakdown

Costco Pizza Nutrition Breakdown

Let’s dive into the Costco pizza nutrition facts. One slice of Costco cheese pizza packs a lot of calories. On average, a slice contains around 760 calories. That’s nearly 38% of the recommended daily calorie intake for an average adult.

Fat Content:
A single slice has about 40 grams of fat. This is about 62% of the daily recommended intake. The fat mostly comes from the cheese, which is a significant part of what makes the pizza so tasty.

However, high fat intake, especially saturated fat, can be harmful in large amounts.

Carbs are another significant component of Costco pizza. One slice contains around 70 grams of carbohydrates. These carbs come mainly from the dough, which is thick and filling. For those on low-carb diets, this might be a concern.

Protein Content:
If you’re wondering, “How many grams of protein in Costco pizza?” you’ll find that one slice contains about 36 grams of protein. This is a decent amount and can help keep you full. Protein is essential for muscle repair and overall body function. So, there’s a positive side to the Costco pizza nutrition facts when it comes to protein.

Sodium is another area where Costco pizza stands out. A single slice has around 1,500 milligrams of sodium. This is about 65% of the daily recommended limit. High sodium levels can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues.

Hidden Ingredients in Costco Pizza

Hidden Ingredients in Costco Pizza

Beyond the basic nutrition facts, Costco pizza contains several hidden ingredients. These include additives and preservatives that help maintain the pizza’s flavor and texture. Some of these ingredients can be harmful in large quantities.

Yes, there’s sugar in Costco pizza. While the amount isn’t massive, it’s still something to consider. Sugar is often added to enhance the flavor and help the dough rise.

Costco pizza also contains preservatives to keep it fresh for longer. These are common in most processed foods but can be harmful in large quantities.

Additives like flavor enhancers are used to make the pizza more appealing. These can sometimes have negative effects on health, especially for those sensitive to certain chemicals.

Is Costco Pizza Really Unhealthy?

Is Costco Pizza Really Unhealthy?

So, is Costco pizza unhealthy? The answer isn’t straightforward. Let’s compare it to other fast-food pizzas to get a better idea.

Calorie Comparison:
When compared to other fast-food pizzas, Costco pizza is higher in calories. A slice of Domino’s cheese pizza, for example, contains about 290 calories. That’s much less than Costco’s 760 calories per slice.

Fat Comparison:
Costco pizza also has more fat than many other fast-food pizzas. While Domino’s pizza contains around 11 grams of fat per slice, Costco pizza contains 40 grams.

Protein Comparison:
On the positive side, Costco pizza has more protein. While Domino’s pizza has about 12 grams of protein per slice, Costco offers 36 grams. This is good for those looking to increase their protein intake.

Healthier Alternatives and Tips

Healthier Alternatives and Tips

If you love Costco pizza but are worried about the nutritional content, there are ways to enjoy it without overloading on calories, fat, or sodium.

Portion Control:
One of the easiest ways to reduce calorie intake is to eat smaller portions. Instead of having a whole slice, try eating half and saving the rest for later. This can cut your calorie intake by half.

Pair with a Salad:
Another way to balance out the nutrition is to pair your pizza with a healthy salad. The fiber in the salad can help you feel full, so you won’t be tempted to eat as much pizza.

Choose Toppings Wisely:
If you’re ordering a pizza with toppings, choose healthier options like vegetables. Adding extra cheese or processed meats can increase the calorie and fat content.

Limit Your Intake:
Costco pizza is fine as an occasional treat. However, eating it regularly can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Try to limit your intake to special occasions.

Nutritional Value of Costco Pizza: Final Thoughts

Nutritional Value of Costco Pizza: Final Thoughts

The nutritional value of Costco pizza is a mixed bag. While it’s high in calories, fat, and sodium, it also offers a good amount of protein. If you’re concerned about the calories in Costco pizza, there are ways to enjoy it without going overboard.

Protein in Costco Pizza:
The protein content is a definite plus. With 36 grams of protein per slice, Costco pizza can be a good source of protein, especially for those who are active or looking to build muscle.

Calories in Costco Pizza:
The high calorie content is a concern, especially for those watching their weight. Calories in Costco pizza can add up quickly, especially if you’re eating more than one slice.

FAQs Of Costco pizza

How many calories are in a slice of Costco pizza?

A slice of Costco cheese pizza contains approximately 760 calories. If you opt for pepperoni, the calorie count might be slightly higher due to the added toppings.

Is Costco pizza healthy?

Costco pizza is not considered the healthiest option due to its high calorie, fat, and sodium content. However, it does provide a good amount of protein. It can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

How many calories in a whole Costco pepperoni pizza?

A whole Costco pepperoni pizza contains about 4,080 calories. This is based on the pizza being cut into six slices, with each slice containing approximately 680-700 calories.

Why are Costco pizzas so good?

Costco pizzas are popular due to their large size, generous toppings, and affordable price. The dough is prepared fresh daily, and the pizzas are cooked in high-quality ovens that provide a crispy crust and well-melted cheese. The balance of flavors and the gooey cheese contribute to their deliciousness.

Is Costco pizza actually 700 calories?

Yes, each slice of Costco pizza contains around 700 to 760 calories, depending on the type (cheese, pepperoni, etc.). This makes it a high-calorie food, especially considering the size of the slices.

How many calories are in 1 large pizza slice?

For a typical large pizza slice from Costco, you’re looking at around 700 to 760 calories. The exact number can vary based on toppings and specific pizza type.

How many slices are in an 18-inch Costco pizza?

A Costco 18-inch pizza is usually cut into six large slices. These slices are larger than those from most other pizza chains.

How many calories are in 2 large slices of pepperoni pizza?

Two large slices of Costco pepperoni pizza would contain approximately 1,360 to 1,520 calories. Each slice contains around 680 to 760 calories.

How many calories are in 3 large slices of pepperoni pizza?

Three large slices of Costco pepperoni pizza would total approximately 2,040 to 2,280 calories. This is nearly the entire recommended daily calorie intake for an average adult.

Why is Costco food so cheap?

Costco food is cheap due to the company’s business model, which focuses on high volume sales and low margins. They also keep overhead costs low and pass the savings on to customers. Additionally, many of their food items are loss leaders, meaning they’re sold at or below cost to attract customers into the store.

Is Costco pizza frozen or fresh?

Costco pizza is made fresh daily in the store. The dough is prepared in-house, and the pizzas are assembled and baked on-site, ensuring they’re fresh and delicious.

Is Costco pizza bigger than Domino’s?

Yes, Costco pizzas are generally larger than Domino’s pizzas. A standard Costco pizza is 18 inches in diameter, whereas a large Domino’s pizza is typically 14 inches. This size difference also means that Costco pizza slices are larger and more filling.


In the end, Costco pizza is a delicious but calorie-dense food. While it may not be the healthiest option out there, it’s okay to indulge occasionally.

By being mindful of your portions and pairing it with healthier sides, you can enjoy Costco pizza without worrying too much about the impact on your health.

So, is Costco pizza unhealthy? It can be if eaten in large quantities, but with moderation and smart choices, it can be part of a balanced diet. Remember to keep an eye on your total calorie and fat intake, and enjoy your pizza responsibly.

If you’ve ever wondered about the Costco pizza slice nutrition or how it compares to other fast foods, hopefully, this article has answered your questions. Now, you can make an informed decision the next time you’re craving a slice!

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